Apple VR and Mixed Reality Headset: Release Date, Price, Specs, and Leaks Revealed

Apple VR and Mixed Reality Headset: Unveiling Release Date, Pricing, Specs, and Leaks

As the anticipation surrounding Apple's venture into the world of virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) continues to build, tech enthusiasts eagerly await the release of Apple's highly anticipated VR and MR headset. In this blog post, we provide a comprehensive overview of the latest information, including the speculated release date, pricing details, expected specifications, and notable leaks, shedding light on what users can expect from Apple's foray into the immersive realm.

The Apple Vision Pro is Apple's first official mixed reality headset. And you can see our first impressions in our Apple vision pro reviews.

And let's be clear — when we say mixed reality, we mean it. While the headset may look like a contender for the best VR headset on the market, it is not designed to keep you immersed in a virtual world. Features such as Eye Sight and Digital Persona ensure that not only are you still engaged with the physical world, but the physical world remains able to engage with you.

Release Date Speculation

While Apple has maintained a veil of secrecy surrounding the exact release date of its VR and MR headset, industry insiders and leaks have fueled speculation. According to reports, Apple is targeting a potential launch window in 2022 or 2023, with some suggesting a possible debut as early as the first half of 2022. However, it's important to note that these dates remain speculative, and Apple has yet to officially confirm a specific release timeline. Here's everything we know about the Apple Vision Pro.

Apple Vision Pro still doesn't have an official release date, but it does have an official release date window. Apple says that the headset will become available for purchase in early 2024, which tracks with a rumor we saw just before launch that the headset could get pushed into next year.

As previously mentioned, at its release the Vision Pro will only be available to U.S. customers, though other countries are expected to get a rollout not too long after the U.S. launch.

Price Range Expectations

As with any Apple product, the price range for the VR and MR headset is a topic of considerable interest. Various sources and leaks suggest that Apple's immersive offering may fall within the premium pricing spectrum. Estimates range from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the hardware's capabilities, innovative features, and potential integration with Apple's ecosystem. It's crucial to approach these figures with caution until Apple officially unveils the pricing strategy.

But, of course, these groundbreaking features come with an earth-shattering price. At $3,499, the Apple Vision Pro is easily the most expensive mainstream headset — virtual reality or mixed reality. And unfortunately, you'll have to wait a while to get your hands on it, since Apple says it won't be available until 2024. While the Vision Pro headset can't be pre-ordered right now, you can sign up for a notification from Apple so you can be alerted to when the headset will be available to pre-order. With such a high price tag (more on that below) don't expect the Vision Pro to be a device for the masses. Apple is reportedly working on a cheaper version for the Vision Pro for 2025 with some of the more premium features removed.

This is good news, because the current version of the Vision Pro may have serious supply chain constraints. According to a rumor, Sony, which makes the headset's Micro OLED displays, can only produce 100,000 to 200,000 displays per quarter. That means it's possible Apple can only manufacture 400,000 headsets per year due to the premium displays its chosen.

Expected Specifications and Features

While precise details about the headset's specifications remain scarce, rumors and leaks have shed light on potential features. Apple's VR and MR headset is anticipated to boast a high-resolution display, potentially surpassing 8K resolution, ensuring a visually stunning and immersive experience. Advanced eye-tracking technology may enable realistic gaze-based interactions, while built-in sensors and cameras could enable precise head and hand tracking, enhancing the level of immersion and interactivity.

Furthermore, leaks suggest that Apple's headset may prioritize comfort by utilizing lightweight materials and a sleek design. It may incorporate an adjustable headband and ergonomics-focused elements, allowing users to enjoy extended VR or MR sessions comfortably. Reports also hint at the inclusion of spatial audio, delivering immersive 3D soundscapes that complement the visual experience.

Leaks and Rumors

Leaks have played a significant role in shaping expectations around Apple's VR and MR headset. These leaks suggest that the device could feature a unique "pass-through" video see-through capability, enabling users to seamlessly transition between the real world and virtual environments. Additionally, speculations indicate that Apple may introduce a sophisticated "mixed reality mode," combining the virtual and real worlds to create innovative and engaging experiences.

It's important to approach leaks with a critical mindset, as their accuracy cannot be guaranteed until confirmed by Apple. The company's commitment to secrecy often keeps leaks surrounded by a degree of uncertainty.

Apple Vision Pro latest news (Update Jun 30)

1. Apple Vision Pro — new report says 20 million users in 5 years
2. Apple Vision Pro may have a weight problem, but the strap that alleviates the issue might cost extra

Apple Vision Pro design

The biggest one is that the front of the visor features a display underneath a curved pane of 3D laminated glass. This allows the Vision Pro to use EyeSight, a feature that shows others around you your eyes so they feel like they're interacting with you like they would normally.

This glass pane also serves as a lens for the Vision Pro's camera array, which is extensive. The Vision Pro includes 12 cameras and six microphones so that users do not need controllers to control the device. Instead, you will use a combination of eye tracking, hand gestures and voice commands.

But the front display isn't all that is crafted using Apple's typical eye for details. The mixed reality headset features a custom aluminum alloy frame that is curved to fit your face. Apple takes this focus on custom fit further by using a modular design so the Light Seal (what Meta calls a facial interface) fits to your face as perfectly as possible. The Light Seal comes in several shapes and sizes and is made of a soft fabric for improved comfort while using the Vision Pro.

Apple's foray into the immersive realm with its VR and MR headset has captivated technology enthusiasts worldwide. While precise details remain elusive, the rumors, leaks, and industry insights discussed in this blog post provide a glimpse into what Apple's forthcoming headset might offer. From a potential release window to pricing expectations, expected specifications, and notable leaks, the stage is set for Apple to potentially redefine the VR and MR landscape. As we eagerly await official announcements, the excitement surrounding Apple's immersive offering continues to grow, leaving us eager to witness the future of Apple's foray into VR and MR.


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